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Who We Are

Project Whistler is an open-source database that shows the records about the intensity of sound inside the Dhaka Metropolitan Area.

The AlgoJect team runs Project Whistler through the help of some kind-hearted contributors across Dhaka City. The work is done in four steps.


The volunteers first go to particular regions and assemble the pieces of information about the noise there. They then record that information through a third-party app and send it along with their own identity.


In the second step, we work with the identification of the sender and verify all the evidences by looking at it from different sources.* After the verification process is done, the information is selected to be sent along to our server.

*We may also talk to the sender in a special case.


In the next step, The verified data is uploaded to our server. We enrich our database by adding appropriate documents to specific profiles of different areas at regular intervals.


Finally, all our collaborators and visitors can see the verified and accurate* data from our website.

*Data may slightly vary from real-time inspection.

Our Database

Here are some documents about the most searched area in our database.

A sound level above 70 dB is considered extreme by the World Health Organization, but a recent study found the highest 120-129 dB sound recorded in several places in Dhaka City.


Record No: 01
Minimum: 59.50 dB
Average: 98.10 dB
Maximum: 107.30 dB
Area: Roadside.
Timezone: 1600-0000
Day Type: Weekday.


Record No: 01
Minimum: 57.00 dB
Average: 84.10 dB
Maximum: 91.80 dB
Area: Roadside.
Timezone: 1600-0000
Day Type: Weekday.


Record No: 01
Minimum: 63.40 dB
Average: 82.00 dB
Maximum: 88.90 dB
Area: Roadside.
Timezone: 1600-0000
Day Type: Weekday.


Record No: 01
Minimum: 58.40 dB
Average: 87.30 dB
Maximum: 101.30 dB
Area: Roadside.
Timezone: 1600-0000
Day Type: Weekday.

See All


Contribute to us!

Frequently Asked

Frequently Asked Questions

What is it all about?

Project Whistler is entirely about contribution. With your cooperation, we can enrich our database. You can upload reports about the intensity of noise in your neighbourhood.

How can I submit the data?

Just open the app, inspect sound intensity meter, and take a screenshot. Then fillup the form given here and you are set to go! You can also send us multiple screenshots for different areas.

Why should I give you my name and email address?

The AlgoJect Team respects your privacy. We do not collect or store any of your personal informations. Your name and email address are required to verify the data you are providing. See our Privacy Policy to learn more about how your data are dealt with.

Which app/s should I use?

You can use apps similar to Decibel X, Sound Meter, or any of your liking. We recommend you use Decibel X. It's free and available in both iOS and Play Store.

How is my data processed?

After you submit the data, we verify it according to our rules and regulations. After the verification process is done, the data gets added to our server.

I'm facing problems regarding the submission process.

Feel free to drop an email here, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

The GitHub Profile of AlgoJect Team

Get In Touch

Any feedback from you is precious to us. We will be delighted if we get any shorts of impression from you. Feel free to address anything to us.